The following is a brief description of Ko'olau Baptist Academy's academic program and related topics.  This, as well as additional information, can be found in the Parent-Student Handbook.  The handbook is available at the school office and is provided to parents and students at the time of enrollment.

Honor Code

Students at Ko'olau Baptist Academy are expected to maintain high personal standards.  Cheating on any exam, project, or homework assignment will result in a "0" for the assignment and disciplinary action.  Any student who provides answers to another student in order that they may cheat will be disciplined accordingly.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian

The Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the graduating class will be determined according to their G.P.A. for grades 9-12.  The recipients of the awards will be honored at their graduation ceremony.  Recipients must have a minimum of 3.50 G.P.A. and have completed 11th and 12th grades at KBA.

Eligibility for Extra-Curriculum Activities

All students participating in extra-curricular events must maintain a 2.00 G.P.A. and may not have earned an "F" in any subject.  Eligibility will be determined by quarterly grades.  Eligibility may be reinstated as soon as the student's quarterly report card shows a 2.00 G.P.A. (or better) and no "F's."  No student who has been suspended may participate in extra-curricular activities during the quarter they were suspended nor the following quarter.


Primarily, Ko'olau Baptist Academy uses a combination of textbooks from distinctively Christians publishers, A Beka Book and Bob Jones Press.  Both of the publishers present their material from a theistic world-view.  Occasionally, a textbook will be used from another source.

Grading Scales

  • 100-90 ---A's,
  • 89-80 ---B's,
  • 79-70 ---C's,
  • 69-65 ---D's,
  • 64-0 ---F's


Homework assignments are an important part of the learning process and must be completed as assigned.  In some classes, homework is given as review and is necessary for mastery of the subject; i.e. history or literature.  In every class it is an important part of learning and should be completed consistently and conscientiously.  Students should keep a homework notebook. Certain assignments may take longer.  However, in most cases, students can expect the following amount of home study:

Grade K-2 ...................................................... 15-45 minutes daily

Grade 3-6 ...................................................... 30-60 minutes daily

Grade 7-12 .................................................... 30-90 minutes daily

Extra Help Sessions

It is our desire for every student to have a successful learning experience while at Ko'olau Baptist Academy.  Teachers are always willing to give eager students extra help.  If students need extended help, then it is recommended that arrangements be made for formal tutoring.  See the school office for additional information, costs, and scheduling.


Although the number of electives offered at KBA is limited, students in good academic standing may choose Accounting, Art, Choir, Computer Literacy, Speech and Drama, Strength and Conditioning, Study Hall, Teacher's Aide, or Touch Typing.  In addition to these electives that are offered periodically, students may also take distance learning courses from approved institutions.

Graduation Requirements

High School diplomas are issued on the basis of credits earned.  Students typically earn .5 credits per semester for classes that meet five times a week or .5 credits per year for classes that meet twice a week.


Bible -----------------4.0 credits*

Social Studies -------4.0 credit

English ---------------4.0 credits

Physical Education --1.0 credit

Mathematics---------3.0 credits

Guidance-------------0.5 credit

Science---------------3.0 credits

Electives--------------5.5 credits


* Students must take Bible every year that they are at KBA

Academics Briefing