At Ko`olau Baptist Academy, we would like to answer any questions you may have so to call the school office at during normal school hours. You may also leave a message, and we will get back to you with the answer to your question as soon as possible. We have also provide you with a list of frequently asked questions.
- How do I Apply?
- Does the school participate in athletic competition with other schools?
- Yes, the school competes in Volleyball, Basketball, and Soccer for boys and girls in grades 7-12 against other schools as part of the Hawaii Sports Fellowship. Students must earn a 2.00 G.P.A and have no F’s on their latest report card to be eligible.
- What type of curriculum does the school use?
- Our elementary and secondary curriculum uses Christian textbooks from A Beka Books, Bob Jones Press, and other Christian publication.
- What are the school hours?
- School Hours are from 8:15 am to 3:00 PM for Kindergarten through 6th grade. (2:45 PM for 7th through 12th grade).
- Drop off time is between 7:00 AM. All students are asked to be dropped off by the basketball court and report to the cafeteria area for supervision.
- Extended school day hours begins at 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM There will be a fee for any students staying on our campus after 3:30 PM, if not with a tutor or playing sports.
- Do students wear uniforms?
- Yes, our students wears a school uniform. Click on the button below for the company’s website. Click on our KBA logo and enter pascode “KBA96744”
- KBA Uniforms
- PE shirts and shorts are available in the school office.
- Does the school provide lunches for students?
- No, but you can order throught our vendor.
- Please, contact our office for the current month’s menu and price. 808-233-2900
- What is the average class size?
- Class sizes vary with age group.
- Elementary (K-6) will have 14 to 18 students
- Junior High (7-8) will have 18-20 students
- High School (9-12) will have 10-15
- Are students required to attend Ko`olau Baptist Church?
- Elementary (K-6) are strongly encouraged to attend a church service either at Ko`olau Baptist Church
- Jr High through High School are required to attend at least one service a week at Ko`olau Baptist Church as a condition of enrollment. See Statement of Support in the application