General Philosophy
At Ko’olau Baptist Academy we believe that an eternal God exists and that He has revealed Himself through creation (Psalm 19:1), the incarnation of Jesus Christ (John 1:1-5), and the Bible (II Peter 1:19-21). We believe that God is the ultimate reality in the universe and the One who gives meaning to life. We believe the universe, which He has divinely created and sustains by his power, follows a basic cause and effect pattern, but is open to the supernatural (Colossians 1:16-17). We believe that man has been created in God’s image, but is presently in a sin-marred condition and can only be restored by repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on the cross (Acts 20:21; Romans 3:23, 5:8-9,12; Ephesians 2:8-9). We believe that truth is absolute and objective (John 14:6) and that values are eternal because they are rooted in the nature of God (Exodus 3:13-14).
Philosophy of Education
Because of our belief in God and the Bible, our view of education has been distinctly shaped by biblical principles. This can be seen in how we understand the following areas of education at our school.
Curriculum is the philosophy or guiding set of beliefs that brings shape and definition to an institution’s program of study. This guiding set of beliefs governs what should be taught in school (scope), when it should be taught in school (sequence), how it should be taught in school (methodology), and why it should be taught in school (rationale) (Isaiah 28:11). At Ko’olau Baptist Academy our guiding set of beliefs is the Bible, which in turn, shapes and defines our entire program of study (II Timothy 3:16-17).
The Parents
We believe parents are responsible to God for loving, nurturing, and training the children that God has lent unto them. Therefore, we will support the parents who have chosen our school because of our mission and goals by doing our best to educate their children (Ephesians 6:4; Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
The Student
We believe that every child needs to develop spiritually, mentally, socially, and physically to his full potential in Jesus Christ. Therefore, our educational program will seek to develop all four of these areas in the child’s life (Luke 2:52).
The Teacher
We believe that teaching is a gift and calling from God. Therefore, the teacher is a divinely delegated authority, who has been gifted by God, to transmit truth and to guide students into all knowledge (I Corinthians 12:28; Romans 12:7). Furthermore, we believe the teacher should be an exemplary role model (I Timothy 4:12).
Instructional Methods
Given the biblical view of man’s nature and truth, we believe that a variety of instructional methods are necessary. This includes teacher presentations methods like lecture and drill, but also class participation methods like projects, problem-solving, and role play, to name a few. Thus the teacher is both a teller and a guide, who chooses which methods will best accomplish our instructional objectives (Matthew 5:1-3, 8:1-4, 11:1-3, 13:1-3, 21:28).
We believe that discipline problems are problems of the heart. Therefore, we seek to correct not only the child’s misbehavior, but also the child’s heart through firm and consistent discipline, biblical counseling, and discipleship offered in love and humility (II Timothy 3:16-17).
The Church
We believe that God has ordained the local church to evangelize the world and to edify the saints. Therefore, we will strive to fulfill the Great Commission through the preaching of the gospel to the lost and the education of believers through the local church (Matthew 28:10-20).
The Government
We believe that civil government is ordained of God as a restrainer of sin and sin’s destructive effect. Therefore, as Christians, we will obey the government and its regulations as long as it does not go beyond its jurisdiction and violate scriptural principles or commands (Genesis 9:6; Romans 13:1-7).